We sell

  • Diesel
  • Petrol
  • Kerosene
  • Jet Fuel
  • Lubricants

Countries of Operation

  • Zimbabwe
  • Zambia
  • South Africa
  • DR Congo

Buying Procedure

At Five Majors Energy, our purchasing protocols are simple and straightforward as follows:
  • Firstly, A Letter of Intent (LOI) is issued by the Buyer we respond with the Soft Corporate Offer (SCO).
  • Then the Buyer and Seller engage via phone call or email. The buyer issues IPO (Irrevocable Purchase Order).
  • Seller issues draft contract.
  • Buyer and Seller complete and execute a contract.
  • Seller Issues soft POP.
  • Buyer Verifies the soft POP and Buyer issues BLC or RDLC or SBL.
  • Seller issues full POP.
  • Uplifting and payments as per contract and Delivery begins

Although that is the normal procedure, we can to make the process even faster by resorting to request to speak to the buyer or buyer's mandate. Brokers are welcome to work with us as long as they share the same spirit of integrity and excellent customer service.